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Insightful Astrology with Maria DeSimone - CTR Network

Imagine what life would be like if you had access to an enlightening tool that offered meaningful personal insight and guidance? The knowledge you would gain about your journey - and the clarity you’d find to make empowering life choices – well it would be nothing less than remarkable!<br />Guess what? There IS a powerful tool that offers exactly this - and more:<br />Astrology.<br />You’re invited to listen in as your host Maria DeSimone educates and inspires you each week about the mystical language of astrology. Maria makes astrology come alive to help you make the most of your world and all its possibilities.<br />As a listener, you’ll have an opportunity to call in and receive genuine astrological counseling about your most pressing real life concerns. Additionally, Maria will assess your upcoming astrological cycles to help time major life events.<br />Last but not least, to round out your soul growth experience, Maria will occasionally invite leading metaphysicians on the show to share their gift and special message.<br />You don’t want to miss this ground breaking, entertaining and healing podcast. <br />Are you ready?<br />It’s time to open your mind and grow into your soul.

