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Real Talk With Rhi - Mummy Of Four - Rhi - Mummy Of Four

<p>Welcome to Real Talk With Rhi - for Mums that want to go from surviving to thriving in motherhood in a neurospicy world.</p><p><br></p><p>We’ll be talking about how we can get more organised &amp; minimise stress so that we can avoid burnout, have more quality time with our babies and breathing space in our lives.</p><p><br></p><p>As a Mum of children with autism, we’ll be talking about the joys plus the challenges of parenting children on the spectrum. From first noticing the signs of autism, through the diagnosis process, to strategies to help you &amp; your children stay happy, we’re covering it all.</p><p><br></p><p>And as a 40 year old woman recently diagnosed with ADHD, we’ll also be talking about how all too often women &amp; girls are going undiagnosed &amp; why this is a problem, the misconceptions surrounding ADHD, the signs to look out for and the simple things that we can put in place to make our lives easier.</p><p><br></p><p>So whether you’re a Mum or a Dad feeling disorganised and overwhelmed in the fog of parenthood, wondering if you or someone you love may be somewhere on the spectrum, or living in a neuro-spicy household, the Real Talk With Rhi Podcast is the place for you.</p><p><br></p>

