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Newborn to Teen and Everything in Between - Decibelle Creative
Newborn to Teen and Everything Inbetween - it does exactly what it says on the tin! Join childcare experts Becks and Claire for practical advice about how to communicate with children, at all ages.
There can be a lot of pressure to 'get it right' when it comes to children, which can be quite daunting! Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, TA or childcare worker, or just looking to gain a better understanding of the world through a child’s eyes, Becks and Claire have 25 years of childcare experience to share with you. Listen for reassurance and support to help you navigate tricky conversations, challenging behaviour, complex emotions, and the general day to day pressures of raising and working with children.
This is a judgement-free zone - you won't find a one-size-fits-all rule book here! The perfect parent doesn't exist, but in their family consultancy business Bespoke Family, Becks and Claire believe that a child centred approach which recognises and respects individuality is the best way to enable families to thrive. Join Becks and Claire for accessible, light-hearted and well researched advice and guidance on the various ways we can tackle the ups and downs of life with children (they've got a great sense of humour too, so if you love a laugh you're in great company!)
Subscribe to Newborn to Teen and Everything Inbetween - new episodes every fortnight, to help you get the best out of your time with the children in your life.
Find Becks and Claire online at:
Instagram: @bespokefamily
Search 'Bespoke Family' on Facebook
This podcast is produced by Decibelle Creative
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