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    デジタルマーケティングの第一線で活躍するゲストを迎え、顧客体験のあり方を考える対談シリーズ『Marketer’s Talk』。ゲストが語るリアルな課題や日々の気づきを通じて、顧客体験管理への理解を深める"マーケター同士のオフ会トーク"ポッドキャスト。

Weekly LOST Podcast - Cliff & Stephanie Ravenscraft

The Weekly Lost Podcast is where Cliff and Stephanie’s journey into the world of podcasting began back in 2005.

While Stephanie had been watching LOST from the very first episode, Cliff had got hooked on the show after catching the last four episodes of the first season. For Cliff, it was the hidden clues and the overall mystery of the island that drew him in.

Cliff had initially started out blogging about Lost and listening to a small handful of Lost Podcasts. Many of Cliff’s blog posts highlighting easter eggs and unique theories were picked up by major media outlets like Entertainment Weekly. When Cliff was encouraged by Lost Podcasters, Ryan & Jenn Ozawa, to launch his own podcast, he jumped at the opportunity and convinced Stephanie to join him. The rest is history which you can read on the GSPN Wikipedia page.

While the show was on the air, Cliff and Stephanie produced two podcast episodes every week devoted to the show. They would record an initial reaction podcast immediately following the episode and then they would produce a full weekend review in a live steaming audience way before live streaming was "a thing."

Be sure to check out my current main podcast, The Cliff Ravenscraft Show, in your favorite podcast directory.



