

  • CarLifeFM - Car Life FM


  • 気づくと変わる心理学 〜心のリスキリング〜 - TAシナジー研究所


  • あなたの薬膳~ごはんから元気に~ - BSS山陰放送


  • Sponsored

    Advertising Week Asia Podcast - Advertising Week Asia


Big Chat Small Talk Podcast with Louise Anderson and Vernie Bennett - Louise Anderson and Vernie Bennett

"Big Chat Small Talk" is for dynamic, engaged minds who love a good debate about the complexities of modern life while seeking genuine connection and understanding. You're tired of the superficial veneer of perfection and crave real, honest conversations about family, relationships, and the challenges of balancing work and home life. You know the value of sharing and learning from lived experiences, you just need a platform that mirrors your reality and offers pearls of wisdom from those who've been there and done that. Hosted by Vernie Bennett, best known for her being a founding member of the band Eternal, ready to engage with you as a mum, friend, and sister. She’s joined by Louise Anderson, mother of three navigating the challenges of a separation and divorce, with a background as a senior corporate professional. With the co-hosts both having legal credentials, this podcast is your go-to show for open debate, guidance, and a reflection of your own real life experiences. This show aims to challenge your perspective through thought-provoking discussion with the intention of allowing us all to re-evaluate our viewpoints. With topics ranging from parenting and divorce to managing wellbeing and the pressures of professional life, "Big Chat Small Talk" provides a platform for controversial, yet crucial discussions. This is the show for you to gain insights, feel understood, and leave empowered to navigate life. "Big Chat Small Talk" is the podcast to listen to if you're looking for truth, depth, and a reflection of the real issues that lie beneath the surface.





