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    『ジュビロ大好き!』そんな熱い気持ちをサポートする、ジュビロ磐田サポーター必聴の超!長寿番組!ジュビロ磐田と共に32年目のシーズン。 全国のジュビロ愛あふれる皆さん、推し選手がいる個サポの皆さん、サッカーからプライベートトークまで、選手の「声」を聴くならこの番組で決まりです!

Learn and Memorize Tarot Cards - Quicklearn Quests

Tarot has been a 30-year journey for me. I first learned to read tarot in a two-and-a-half-day course, and I was hooked! I loved having my cards read and wanted to demystify the process so I could read for myself and others.<br /><br />At first, learning tarot felt like a memorization game—understanding the meanings of each card and how they fit into a spread. It took years to weave them into a story and even longer to trust my intuition (which, honestly, I still struggle with!).<br /><br />In my professional life, I’m an instructional designer, course writer, and digital content creator. So, naturally, I wanted to create a structured way to share how I learned tarot—by focusing on the foundations, especially card symbolism. That’s why I created this bite-sized tarot learning podcast. Each episode is around 3 minutes long, designed to help beginners learn and memorize tarot cards efficiently. Okay… I’m not THAT precise—some episodes are closer to 2.5 or 3.5 minutes, with special episodes running longer! <br /><br />What You’ll Get from This Podcast:<br /><ul><li>A practical, no-fluff way to learn tarot – focused on symbolism, numerology, and core meanings.</li><li>A structured approach – designed for left-brained learners who prefer clear explanations before tapping into intuition.</li><li>Designed for all learning styles – If you’re a visual learner, I recommend looking up the Rider-Waite card images on your phone or using a physical deck while listening.</li><li>Beginner-friendly but valuable for experienced readers – Even if you know the basics, this podcast can help reinforce key lessons.</li></ul>I love the woo-woo side of tarot, astrology, and numerology, but I also know that too much mysticism at the start can make learning tarot overwhelming. This podcast keeps things clear and structured, so you can build a strong foundation before diving deeper into intuition and spiritual exploration.<br /><br />I hope you enjoy learning tarot as much as I do!<br /><br />Happy Reading!<br />~ Carrie



