

  • 赤ペン瀧川の『思い出の映画を、教えてください。』 - 赤ペン瀧川


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  • 鈴木香里武 Life of the SEA - J-WAVE


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    真栄原ミュージック - FM沖縄

    ラジオインフルエンサー與古田忠と西向幸三が、2人の地元、沖縄県 宜野湾市 真栄原(まえはら)にありそうなレコ屋「真栄原ミュージック」からお届けするラジオ番組のアフタートーク。最高な音楽はradikoタイムフリーで。放送できないやさぐれトークは、このPodcastでどうぞ!

Moving through Midlife | Helping Midlife Moms Move Better, Gain Confidence, and Lose the Midsection Weight - Courtney McManus

Struggling to move without pain or feel like you can't lose weight in your 40's, 50's, and beyond?If you have recently looked at yourself in the mirror and didn't recognize the person looking back at you, this podcast is for you.  If you are overwhelmed, feeling burnt out, and moving through perimenopause or menopause this podcast is for you.  If you feel as if you need to slow down and move with a bit more grace due to minor aches and pains this podcast is for you.  In this podcast we will discuss ways we can show up better for ourselves and our children without the burn out.  We will focus on overall health through habit stacking to help increase energy, provide movement snacks to help you move more throughout the day while also moving your body more, and learn from professionals on moving through midlife with ease and grace. Hi, I'm Courtney a business owner and mom of 3 who was rushing through life with my head down busy doing the day-to-day tasks and building my business.  I was so caught up in the doing that I was no longer being.  I remember taking a moment to look at myself in the mirror one day as I was getting ready and instead of multi-tasking, I actually SAW myself and was so surprised to see the woman looking back at me.  Time had changed me, I was so busy during that time that I didn't see who I was becoming. I was a midlife mom with grey hair, wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin and I made a decision that day to stop rushing through life, honor my body and who I had become and accept the aging process.  I began to practice leaning into a softer way of living.  Slow down and simplify to feel better, become more confident, and enjoy where I am now with my family.  If you are struggling with midlife this podcast is for you.  We will discuss:-how to lose the low belly pooch -what diet is best-regain confidence in perimenopause-gut health-stop the sugar cravings-movement for aches and pains-fitness over 40-perimenopause health-help lose the midsection weight gain-interviews with professionals in midlife health and wellness-along with some parenting tips sprinkled in throughoutGrab your tennis shoes, pop in your ear buds, and join me for a leisurely walk while we discuss Moving through Midlife.



