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  • いろはにマネーの「ながら学習」 - IrohaniMoney


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    PRESIDENT Online 音声版 - プレジデント社

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Hyphenate with Randy Randall - Randy Randall & Ruinous Media

Hi this is Randy Randall. Have you ever asked yourself, how many things are too many things to do at once? Maybe you shift your focus every few years to new and exciting interests. This is super common with multi-hyphenates...or people with tandem professions, careers or passions that support and drive them throughout their life. I've always been interested in the hyphenate idea--how do people find their place in more than one job and what kind of energy and focus does it takes to sustain it?
Now I am doing just that. In addition to recording and touring with my band NO AGE, I've started this podcast, Hyphenate with Randy Randall and I want to invite you to come along for the ride. We'll sit down and talk with people from the world of music, art, photography, sports and technology and we'll what drives their hyphenated life. If you have a passion for more than one thing, then this is the show for you.



