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Mentally Stronger with Therapist Amy Morin - Amy Morin

Mental strength is the key to improving your mental health and living your best life. When you grow mentally stronger, you'll be able to overcome self-doubt, manage your emotions, and feel confident in your ability to reach your goals.
Join Webby award-winning host Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and international best-selling author to learn the tools, tips, and strategies that will help you think, feel, and do your best in life.
On Mondays, she interviews experts, authors, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians, and celebrities about the strategies they use to overcome the biggest battle we all face — the battle within our own minds. She then breaks down their strategies in "The Therapist's Take" section of the episode so you can apply their strategies to your own life. Every Friday, she shares "The Friday Fix," a weekly segment offering quick exercises straight from her therapy office that can help you grow mentally stronger today.
Whether you're struggling with your mental health or you want to take your life to the next level, this show is for you!

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