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    真栄原ミュージック - FM沖縄

    ラジオインフルエンサー與古田忠と西向幸三が、2人の地元、沖縄県 宜野湾市 真栄原(まえはら)にありそうなレコ屋「真栄原ミュージック」からお届けするラジオ番組のアフタートーク。最高な音楽はradikoタイムフリーで。放送できないやさぐれトークは、このPodcastでどうぞ!

The Fit Postpartum Mom | Fitness for New Moms, Healthy Habits, Time Management, Postpartum Journey, Physical Therapy, Quick W - Dr. Jena Bradley | Physical Therapist, Postpartum Fitness Coach, Mom of 4 Girls

Hi Mama Friend,
Are you struggling to regain your strength after going through pregnancy?

I think you are here because something needs to change. You are in the thick of your postpartum journey, feeling weak, overweight, tired and exhausted ALL THE TIME. Your body just doesn’t feel the same anymore, and you so desperately just want to feel like YOU again. Life is extremely overwhelming right now between diaper changes, baby feedings, your busy work schedule, laundry and lack of sleep. Plus, you just feel too busy to make the changes in your health that you know you need to make.

I believe you are here because you are tired of the way you feel in your own skin and the way you look in the mirror. You want to be strong again like you used to be before becoming pregnant. You are tired of not making the progress towards your goals, and you’re sick of living each day like you didn’t accomplish what you set out to accomplish. You are ready and willing to make fitness a priority and to make the changes in your life that will ultimately impact your health for the rest of your life. But you don’t know how and where to start.

Hi, I’m Dr. Jena Bradley, and I help new moms just like you regain their strength through my physical therapy expertise and my real life experiences as a busy working mom of 4 little girls. Yes, I love all things schedules, routines and goal setting sessions, but I’m also known for dishing out some juicy health hacks that moms haven’t heard before.

Every week we are going to go on this journey together, and I am going to hold your hand as you navigate your postpartum recovery the healthy way. Join me for inspiring conversations that will help keep you motivated and determined to reach your fitness goals faster and, ultimately, help you feel empowered, stronger and more confident as a mom. I can’t wait to meet you inside!

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Connect with me 💌 hello@livecorestrong.com

❓Need specific help with something postpartum fitness related? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/RUPd35ypnGh6T4bJA



