

  • 3003 -サンゼロゼロサン- - Artistspoken

    経済誌『Forbes JAPAN』の「世界を変える30歳未満の30人」"30 UNDER 30"に選ばれた、経営者から世界的ミュージシャンなど様々な若者にインタビューをしていく番組。新進気鋭の若者たちの頭の中を覗けば、世界の見え方を変えることができるかも?

  • すべての道はジャズに通ず。 - すべての道はジャズに通ず。


  • 特撮風ラジオドラマ『帰りたいサラリーマン』 - RKB毎日放送


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    30過ぎてもPresents となりの常連さん - SBSラジオ


The Lincoln Project - The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project was formed in 2019 to defend American democracy from Donald Trump and those who identify (publicly or privately) as MAGA supporters. Creators of the most successful and poignant viral ads in the political sphere, the Lincoln Project has a reputation for saying the things others are afraid to say. For nearly five years, the Lincoln Project has waged a relentless campaign of targeted attacks on Trump and his deranged ilk, armed with the most watched and talked-about ad content on the internet.

At the helm of this organization is the host of the LP Podcast, Rick Wilson, a veteran political strategist and former Republican operative who left the party in 2016 after it became clear that Republicans were on a destructive path that would endanger America's institutions. The Lincoln Project podcast features a range of special guests, from the leading political minds to pop-culture icons. Sitting down with noteworthy experts and significant voices of our time, The Lincoln Project podcast discusses various topics, from current events of the week to in-depth conversations about the genesis of a special guest’s career – and everything in between. Broadening out the subject matter beyond just politics and making the conversation more relatable to everyone, The Lincoln Project podcast’s mission is to reignite the political flame in every American and to break down the biggest topics of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.



