

Life in Scotland - Yvette and Craig Webster: Scotland Travel Bloggers

Welcome to the Life in Scotland Podcast! We’re Craig and Yvette, a married couple living in West Lothian. In this podcast we talk about life, culture and travel in Scotland.

Craig is a Scot, born and raised, and Yvette is an expat from New Zealand- so together we offer differing perspectives of Scotland. We both travel around Scotland frequently with our jobs- Yvette works full-time as a travel blogger and Craig is a UAV Pilot. In our spare time there is nothing we love more than exploring our bonnie back yard.

This podcast is casual, honest and sometimes funny; it’s basically like having a drink at a local Scottish pub and eavesdropping on a conversation. So pour yourself a dram, get comfortable and let us tell you about ‘oor Scotland!


