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Run Surrey Hills Absolute Beginners Running Podcast - Jude Palmer

If you are an Absolute Beginner* when it comes to running, this series of 8 podcasts are for you. Packed with coaching tips and commentary from England Athletics Running Coach, Jude Palmer, each episode will talk you through a warm up, a main session of run/walk and a cool down. Recorded in the woods around where she lives, not only will you get to hear the birds chirruping in the background but experience Jude running in real time, muddy puddles and all. Aimed at getting people out and active wherever they live, the podcasts are based on run/walk sessions which start simply and over time the **running/jogging/trotting increases to being able to run for 30 mins or more. Listen each week and use as a background, motivation for your running. If you have any questions no matter how big or small, please get in touch with Jude at https://www.runsurreyhills.com or runsurreyhills@gmail.com* Absolute Beginner - anyone and everyone who has never run, think they can't run or have been away from running for whatever reason for some time. And that has been ALL of us at some point. ** Running is running wherever you are. On road or off road this podcast applies.



