

  • 生存放送 - Franz K Endo, 土屋はまち

    映像クリエイターのFranz K Endoと脳盗リスナーの土屋はまちによる雑談系ポッドキャスト。メディアに中々登場しない、知る人ぞ知るクリエイティブな2人の本音を感じることができる。最高にかっこいいOPやジングルにも注目。

  • 30歳からの服選び - 松本典子


  • 音楽番組【インディーズバンドと語ろう】HOLIDAY! MEETING - HOLIDAY! RECORDS

    CDショップ HOLIDAY! RECORDS 植野秀章によるポッドキャスト。注目のインディーズバンドをゲストとして迎え、なかなか知ることのできない魅力を発信している。音楽以外にも映画・イラストなど幅広いトークが楽しめる。

  • Sponsored

    B-Side Talk~心の健康ケアしてる? - ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント

    アーティストやクリエイターを心と身体の両面からサポートするためソニーミュージックが立ち上げたプロジェクト「B-side」のPodcast番組『B-side Talk〜心の健康ケアしてる?』この番組では心の健康をケアするためのヒントになるテーマを毎回ピックアップしてお送りしています。

Zero To Travel Podcast - Jason Moore

✈️ The Zero To Travel Podcast has been downloaded 12+ million times and named a "Best Travel Podcast" by The Washington Post, Travel + Leisure, The Telegraph, and Forbes.
Packed with life-changing perspectives, inspiration, and practical advice for everyone from travel newbies to nomads, this podcast will give you everything you need to travel the world on your terms, regardless of your situation or experience. Welcome to our amazing global listening community!
Since 2013, "Travel Ambassador" Jason Moore from zerototravel.com has been picking the brains of adventurous people living an unconventional life on the road so you can discover new ways to travel endlessly.
Along the way, you'll get actionable advice and key resources that will improve your life AND help you travel more as we get down and dirty on topics like; starting and running an online business from anywhere, the best off-the-beaten-path destinations to visit, travel and work opportunities, gutsy budget travel strategies, surprising ways to earn free travel, the digital nomad life, unconventional travel based lifestyles, fun travel jobs, how to plan epic adventures, backpacking, remote work, how to take a gap year or a career break, 4-hour work week inspired topics, ex-pat life, slow travel, travel hacking, sustainable travel, human-powered adventures, trips worth planning, and everything in between.
Host Bio: Jason wandered the planet as a nomad for over a decade and spent 15+ years on the road as a tour manager in events/music, a seasonal adventure travel tour guide, and a digital nomad. Originally from the USA, he is now a dual citizen (Norway/USA) based in Oslo. He is obsessed with helping YOU explore our planet on your terms.
Follow the show (it's FREE!) and welcome to the global community. 🙏
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