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Senses Working Overtime with David Cross - Headgum

I’m Bon Vivant, and professional talker, David Cross. I’ve been talking professionally for well over forty years. I’m good at it. I truly love a conversation that follows no specific linear train of thought but can start about the 2004 Red Sox and minutes later has become an in-depth look at the Iran/Contra hearings (with a detour about the best breakfast tacos in Austin). Whatever, as long as the conversation is funny, edifying, and real.

This podcast began as a vehicle for guests to explore the Best/Worst/Funniest/Saddest/Most Beautiful etc. things they’d ever Seen, Touched, Tasted, Smelled, and Heard. Somewhere along the way this became a loose premise, a jumping off point to learn more about my guests, and I let the conversations steer themselves.

Catch all new audio and video episodes every Thursday starting December 7.



