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Feel Better. Live Free. | Health & Wellness for Midlife Women - Ruth Soukup

Feel Better. Live Free. with Ruth Soukup is the revolutionary health & wellness podcast brought to you by Thinlicious®, created to help midlife women create FREEDOM in our lives through healing our bodies from the inside out, while questioning the outdated mainstream narratives surrounding health and weight loss that haven't worked.

Our mission is to help you find FREEDOM. The freedom to look and feel your best. The freedom to NOT be controlled by food addictions ever again. And the freedom to confidently pursue all your big goals and dreams because your health and weight issues are no longer holding you back.

Each week we’ll talk openly and honestly about what it means to live your best life as a woman in your 40’s, 50’s, and beyond, talking openly and honestly about the highs and lows of weight loss, wellness, cultivating a healthy mindset, and pretty much everything in between.

It’s a place where you'll discover actionable strategies for losing weight and getting healthy, unconventional health breakthroughs that no one else is talking about, and the powerful mindset shifts you’ll need to find lifelong wellness and true happiness (with a whole lot of tough love along the way.)

Basically, this is the podcast to listen to if you're looking for answers to these type of questions:

-Why is it so hard for women over 40 to lose weight?
-How can I improve my mindset and get healthy for life?
-What supplements should I be taking?
-How can I improve my immune system?
-How do I overcome resistance and finally get motivated?
-Why am I so tired all the time?
-What's the healthiest way to lose weight?
-Should I go on Ozempic?
-What does it mean to be metabolically flexible?
-How does stress affect weight loss?
-What is gut health, and why does it matter?
-Could I have a thyroid issue?
-What can you eat to reduce inflammation?
-What are the biggest health mistakes to avoid?
-How can you lose weight without dieting?



