

  • 生存放送 - Franz K Endo, 土屋はまち

    映像クリエイターのFranz K Endoと脳盗リスナーの土屋はまちによる雑談系ポッドキャスト。メディアに中々登場しない、知る人ぞ知るクリエイティブな2人の本音を感じることができる。最高にかっこいいOPやジングルにも注目。

  • 30歳からの服選び - 松本典子


  • 音楽番組【インディーズバンドと語ろう】HOLIDAY! MEETING - HOLIDAY! RECORDS

    CDショップ HOLIDAY! RECORDS 植野秀章によるポッドキャスト。注目のインディーズバンドをゲストとして迎え、なかなか知ることのできない魅力を発信している。音楽以外にも映画・イラストなど幅広いトークが楽しめる。

  • Sponsored

    B-Side Talk~心の健康ケアしてる? - ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント

    アーティストやクリエイターを心と身体の両面からサポートするためソニーミュージックが立ち上げたプロジェクト「B-side」のPodcast番組『B-side Talk〜心の健康ケアしてる?』この番組では心の健康をケアするためのヒントになるテーマを毎回ピックアップしてお送りしています。

Solo Travel Adventures: Safe Travel for Women, Preparing for a Trip, Overcoming Fear, Travel Tips - Cheryl Esch-Solo Travel Advocate/Travel Coach/Freedom Traveler

Equipping Women over 50 to Safely Travel in Confidence
Is fear holding you back from traveling because you don’t have anyone to go with? Are you concerned about being a woman traveling alone? Not sure how to prepare for a solo trip? Do family and friends think you are crazy for even considering solo travel in this day and age?
In this podcast, you will become equipped to travel safely by yourself. You’ll learn things like tactical travel tips and how to prepare for a trip, and how to overcome the fear so you can discover the transformation that travel can bring. My mission is to see more women over 50, empty-nesters, discover how travel can empower them. If you want to enjoy your next travel adventure solo, then start your journey here.
Hi Sister Travelers, I’m Cheryl, solo travel advocate and coach. I spent nearly 20 years putting my family/children first and felt guilty about even considering solo travel at the time. After my divorce and transitioning to an empty nest, I began to rediscover my passion for travel, built confidence in myself, and started to explore again. I have experienced life-changing adventures through travel and I want the same for you.
If you are ready to find freedom through travel and build your confidence while safely navigating new places, then this podcast is for you!
Pack your bags, grab your plane tickets and check one more time for that passport. It’s time to explore the world!
 Email: hello@cherylbeckesch.com



