音楽の楽しさを語り尽くす「大人の音楽三昧」 - Music Sanctuary
予備校講師 村瀬哲史のナニワ地理学~関西不動産情報センターKRIC presents~ - MBSラジオ
今日は何の日?~過去からもらう今日を生きるヒント - 産経Podcast(産経新聞社)
Our Kids Play Hockey - Our Kids Play Hockey
Our Kids Play Hockey is a podcast that focuses on youth hockey, offering insights, stories, and interviews from the hockey community. It provides valuable advice for parents, coaches, and players, covering various aspects of the game, including skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, and creating a positive experience for young athletes. The show frequently features guests who share their expertise and personal experiences in youth hockey, both on and off the ice.
The show features three hockey parents, who all work in the game at high levels:
Christie Casciano-Burns - USA Hockey Columnist, Author, and WSYR AnchorMike Bonelli - USA Hockey Coach and Organizational ConsultantLee M.J. Elias - Hockey Entrepreneur, Author, and Team Strategist
In addition to the main podcast, there are several spin-off series that dive into specific aspects of youth hockey:
1.Our Girls Play Hockey – This series highlights the growing presence of girls in hockey, addressing the unique challenges they face while celebrating their accomplishments and contributions to the sport. Each episode of Our Girls Play Hockey is also hosted by Sheri Hudspeth who is the Director, Youth Hockey Programs and Fan Development for the Vegas Golden Knights.
2.The Ride to The Rink – A shorter, motivational series designed to be listened to on the way to the rink, offering quick, inspirational tips and advice to help players and parents get into the right mindset before a game or practice.
3.Our Kids Play Goalie – This series is dedicated to young goalies and the unique challenges they face. It provides advice for players, parents, and coaches on how to support and develop young goaltenders, focusing on the mental and physical demands of the position.
Together, these shows provide a comprehensive platform for parents, players, and coaches involved in youth hockey, offering insights for all aspects of the sport, from parenting, playing, or coaching to specialized positions like goaltending.
Q: 番組の理念や大事にしている想い、目標などはありますか?
自分史ラジオ - ヤッシー
みらいVision 発掘コーチング:5年後のわたしたちへ - コーチング僧侶 竹下純一
目標は3年間 毎週2回の配信 配信者の活動がより多くの人に知ってもらいたい。この配信事業を通じて大きな縁を結びたい
身から出たサビ Tokyo to London Calling : Immerse Yourself in British Pop Rock Music - Mizer,Kawazu
小学校お受験相談 咲良カフェ - 小学校お受験 咲良コンサルタント 深見綾子