

  • 生存放送 - Franz K Endo, 土屋はまち

    映像クリエイターのFranz K Endoと脳盗リスナーの土屋はまちによる雑談系ポッドキャスト。メディアに中々登場しない、知る人ぞ知るクリエイティブな2人の本音を感じることができる。最高にかっこいいOPやジングルにも注目。

  • 30歳からの服選び - 松本典子


  • 音楽番組【インディーズバンドと語ろう】HOLIDAY! MEETING - HOLIDAY! RECORDS

    CDショップ HOLIDAY! RECORDS 植野秀章によるポッドキャスト。注目のインディーズバンドをゲストとして迎え、なかなか知ることのできない魅力を発信している。音楽以外にも映画・イラストなど幅広いトークが楽しめる。

  • Sponsored

    B-Side Talk~心の健康ケアしてる? - ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント

    アーティストやクリエイターを心と身体の両面からサポートするためソニーミュージックが立ち上げたプロジェクト「B-side」のPodcast番組『B-side Talk〜心の健康ケアしてる?』この番組では心の健康をケアするためのヒントになるテーマを毎回ピックアップしてお送りしています。

Dr. Wyatt Show: Marriage & Relationship Advice - Dr. Wyatt Fisher

<p>Welcome to one of the best marriage and relationship advice podcasts. The Dr. Wyatt Show will provide direct advice on sex, conflict resolution, sharing power, emotional intimacy, staying in love, and much more. Leave a voicemail 24/7 with your marriage questions at 303-578-0618 then Dr. Wyatt will respond to it on the next Tuesday podcast episode. Relationships can be tough work. Partners have different needs, different expectations, and different backgrounds. Therefore, it doesn't take long before relationships get turned around and headed in the wrong direction. When relationships struggle, sex stops. And when sex stops, couples feel even more disconnected, creating a vicious cycle. The Dr. Wyatt Show can help turn your relationship around. Each episode is full of insights, tips, and encouragement to grow your marriage or relationship. Dr. Wyatt Fisher is a licensed psychologist with a Master's and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He's been in private practice in Boulder, CO, since 2004, he's the author of the Total Marriage Refresh book, founder of the Total Marriage Refresh conference, and the developer of the Keep the Glow app. He's also been married since 1999 and his own relationship has been to the brink of divorce and back so he helps couples from both a personal and professional perspective. To learn more, go to his website at https://www.drwyattfisher.com</p>

