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Sleepy Time Tales - Bedtime Stories for Sleep and Relaxation - David Couto

Sleep is a struggle these days, so this podcast is here to help.

Insomnia and sleep deprivation are an epidemic and some have turned to a sleep podcast to help them manage their insomnia.

Listen to me tell you a story in the most boring way I can think of, to help distract your spinning mind from the stresses of the day and allow you to slip away to a good night’s rest while you’re not stressing about it.

A mix of fiction stories; popular classics and obscure finds alike, along with non-fiction; travelogues, histories, geology text books and strange finds, mean there is a guarantee to be something that keeps you just interested enough to half listen but not be so interesting that you are transfixed and desperate to hear how things go.

So try out Sleepy Time Tales, the podcast full of bedtime stories that are boring enough that you won’t resist the call of sleep.

