

  • 生存放送 - Franz K Endo, 土屋はまち

    映像クリエイターのFranz K Endoと脳盗リスナーの土屋はまちによる雑談系ポッドキャスト。メディアに中々登場しない、知る人ぞ知るクリエイティブな2人の本音を感じることができる。最高にかっこいいOPやジングルにも注目。

  • 30歳からの服選び - 松本典子


  • 音楽番組【インディーズバンドと語ろう】HOLIDAY! MEETING - HOLIDAY! RECORDS

    CDショップ HOLIDAY! RECORDS 植野秀章によるポッドキャスト。注目のインディーズバンドをゲストとして迎え、なかなか知ることのできない魅力を発信している。音楽以外にも映画・イラストなど幅広いトークが楽しめる。

  • Sponsored

    B-Side Talk~心の健康ケアしてる? - ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント

    アーティストやクリエイターを心と身体の両面からサポートするためソニーミュージックが立ち上げたプロジェクト「B-side」のPodcast番組『B-side Talk〜心の健康ケアしてる?』この番組では心の健康をケアするためのヒントになるテーマを毎回ピックアップしてお送りしています。

Solfeggio and the Seas (SolfeggiOceaniX) - UniquilbriuM

Allow the sounds of flowing shores to soothe you as the inspirational and healing tones of the Solfeggio frequencies enhance your physical, mental and eternal being.<br /><br />Volume I uses only 6 simple tracks for each recording, the solfeggio tones serve as carriers for delta brain wave stimulating, binaural frequencies. A low pitch, binaural combination carries a theta frequency, riding on a delta wave, while the flowing sounds of the seas and oceans compliment the design.<br /><br /><a href="https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/solfeggio-and-the-seas-solfeggioceanix--4831376/support" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>Podcast Listener Support</b></a><br />Hey there, did you know that this podcast has a Supporters Club? By becoming a supporter of the show you can gain access to exclusive content and play an active role in helping me to continue producing the content you love. See the link below for more details.<br /><a href="https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/solfeggio-and-the-seas-solfeggioceanix--4831376/support" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/solfeggio-and-the-seas-solfeggioceanix--4831376/support </b></a><br /><br />These harmonized notes are certain to help you relax, heal, and expand into higher levels of self-improvement, and the wellness of all who you connect with.<br /><br />You will best experience the benefits of these audios by listening with stereo speakers placed to the left and right of your head, with surround sound, or stereo headphones. Even if you don't have these options, the pure, naked tones, notes, vibrations and rhythms will provide a relaxing and meditative atmosphere for you to feel energized, calm and revitalized.<br /><br />Each track is designed to be put on loop to extend the time as much as you like without disturbance, or combined with the other 8 Solfeggio and the Seas tracks for a complete, healing, meditation adventure.<br /><br />Welcome to the experience that is Solfeggio and the Seas aka SolfeggiOceaniX! Following are brief introductions to how these life-changing tones, notes and frequencies can heal, uplift, inspire and motivate you to a greater being.<br /><br /><a href="https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/solfeggio-and-the-seas-solfeggioceanix--4831376/support" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>Support SolfegiOceaniX to access Exclusive Content</b></a><br /><br />174 Hz - Pain relief, and a secure sense of safety.<br />285 Hz - Bodily regeneration and optimistic well-being.<br />396 Hz - Feel an interconnected and grounded freedom from shame, fear and guilt.<br />417 Hz - Reawaken your connection to source and expand conditions for positive transformation.<br />528 Hz - Make Room Heal fear with love and the miraculous expanse of forgiveness.<br />639 Hz - Heighten communication and harmonious relationships.<br />741 Hz - Purify individuality and amplify creative expression.<br />852 Hz -Reveal your inner wisdom and connect to your extrasensory intuition.<br />963 Hz - Realize the truth of your eternal unity through superconscious awareness<br /><br />Meditative Mind lists these benefit of the 9 Solfeggio Frequencies<br />on their YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goyZbut_KFY)<br />174 Hz : Relieves Pain &amp; Stress<br />285 Hz : Heals Tissues &amp; Organs<br />396 Hz : Eliminates Fear<br />417 Hz : Wipes out Negativity<br />528 Hz : Repairs DNA, Brings Positive Transformation<br />639 Hz : Brings Love &amp; Compassion in Life<br />741 Hz : Detoxifies Cells &amp; Organs<br />852 Hz : Awakens Intuition, Raises Energy at Cellular Level<br />963 Hz : Connects to Higher Self.<br /><br />The Ancient Solfeggio Scale Explained<br />https://www.mindvibrations.com/ancient-solfeggio-scale/<br /><br /><a href="https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/solfeggio-and-the-seas-solfeggioceanix--4831376/support" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>Podcast Listener Support</b></a><br /><a href="https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/solfeggio-and-the-seas-solfeggioceanix--4831376/support" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>SolfegiOceaniX</b></a>

