

  • 赤ペン瀧川の『思い出の映画を、教えてください。』 - 赤ペン瀧川


  • おしゃべりな理科 - 東京書籍


  • 鈴木香里武 Life of the SEA - J-WAVE


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    真栄原ミュージック - FM沖縄

    ラジオインフルエンサー與古田忠と西向幸三が、2人の地元、沖縄県 宜野湾市 真栄原(まえはら)にありそうなレコ屋「真栄原ミュージック」からお届けするラジオ番組のアフタートーク。最高な音楽はradikoタイムフリーで。放送できないやさぐれトークは、このPodcastでどうぞ!

Coffee Break Swedish - Coffee Break Languages

<p>Learn Swedish with teacher Hanna and her student Mark. Each lesson is like going for a coffee (or a fika!) with your friend who happens to speak Swedish and is helping you learn in a relaxed, enjoyable way. </p><br><p>Coffee Break Swedish is<strong>not</strong>a simple series of "listen and repeat" audio programmes: in each lesson Hanna explains how the language works, helping Mark - and you - to manipulate the language and use it in practical situations. As a learner Mark asks questions, and makes mistakes, so through Hanna's explanations, corrections and pronunciation tips you'll build your confidence and begin to understand and speak the language.</p><br><p>You'll also build your cultural knowledge with the help of our cultural correspondent Emma who shares information on Swedish culture in many of the lessons.</p><br><p>In the same time it takes you to sit down and enjoy a coffee in your favourite coffee shop, you can make progress with your Swedish. Our 15-20 minute lessons are perfect to keep you focused and let you develop your confidence in regular sessions.</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>



