スーパーゲームバカ - にしらぎ / ふみ
ナナメから!シネマ解剖班 - シネフィルWOWOWプラス
ホンマのホンネ ~わたしたちのモヤモヤニュース会議~ - 聴くテレ朝
おゆらじ! - 福島中央テレビ

Real Life Weight Loss - Corey Little
Welcome to the Real Life Weight Loss Podcast where we cut through the confusion and get down to the truth - down to what really works for REAL people when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. We're diving into the most doable, sustainable weight loss strategies.
This podcast is all about busy moms, dads, husbands, wives who are working, raising kids, and trying to juggle everything life’s throwing at them … but also want to be the best they can for their family and friends and loved ones.
I’m your host Corey Little, a nutritionist and weight loss specialist with 2 degrees, 3 certifications, and 20 years of experience. I've been a champion bodybuilder with 3% body-fat and I’ve also pigged out at all-you-can-eat buffets and have a deep love of food and enjoying life like crazy! So, I’m not some Nutrition Robot or extremist. I’m a real person just like you who loves the good things in life - friends, family, and all the delicious food that comes with it.
So, make no mistake - this podcast is NOT about how to get six-pack abs or how to drop as much weight as possible in 8 weeks. There’s more to life than abs and there’s more to your body than how much you weigh.
Honestly, weight loss is not really about losing weight … it’s about gaining life! Doing things you never thought you could. Having renewed confidence. And enjoying your body and your health more than ever.
Week by week, I’ll provide bite-sized guidance - 15 to 20 minute episodes that pull back the curtain and reveal the truth about what it takes to lose weight and gain life - what strategy and approach real people are using to get results without giving up their day-to-day life.
And here’s the really cool part …
It’s really not as hard or confusing as you might think.
Changing your body, getting crazy healthy, and demanding success from life is do-able for everyone - and it can be fun - and I’ll show you how.
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クライアントのお取り組みを、スポンサードコーナーとして番組内で配信できます!是非お問い合わせください。( podcast@asahi.com )

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