

  • けーちゃん×まーくんのドタバタグッドボタン - けーちゃん×まーくん


  • 恋するご当地調味料 - 矢野 麻子


  • 定時までに帰れるラジオ #テイジラジオ - JobPicks


  • Sponsored

    Adobe Experience Cloud ポッドキャスト - アドビ株式会社

    デジタルマーケティングの第一線で活躍するゲストを迎え、顧客体験のあり方を考える対談シリーズ『Marketer’s Talk』。ゲストが語るリアルな課題や日々の気づきを通じて、顧客体験管理への理解を深める"マーケター同士のオフ会トーク"ポッドキャスト。

Saddleback Church: DriveTime Devotionals - Saddleback Church

The purpose of DriveTime Devotions is to help you know God's Word and put it into practice.

Episodes are designed to be listened to once per day, five days a week. That way, you can miss two days each week and still stay on schedule.

We believe it's better to study small sections of God's Word each day instead of a larger section once a week. Studying the Bible is like eating—you'll be healthier if you eat small amounts each day rather than one big meal a week!

As you listen to DriveTime, we encourage you to look for the one thing God's guiding you to do that day.

Jesus taught it's important to not only hear the Word, but act on what you hear. We want to help you live out God's Word in your life and apply its truth daily.

At the end of each episode, we encourage you to spend some time connecting with God in prayer. This seemingly small step can produce great results in your life.



