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    デジタルマーケティングの第一線で活躍するゲストを迎え、顧客体験のあり方を考える対談シリーズ『Marketer’s Talk』。ゲストが語るリアルな課題や日々の気づきを通じて、顧客体験管理への理解を深める"マーケター同士のオフ会トーク"ポッドキャスト。

In Real Time - Sarah Crews and Stan Cox

In 2022, Americans face two terrifying prospects: one, that accelerated climate disruption threatens to render much of the Earth unlivable, and two, that the United States’ current political drift toward right-wing authoritarian rule could quickly become a steep slide, dashing our hopes for attaining a multiracial, pluralistic democracy. These crises are intertwined. Either we find meaningful responses to both, or we fail dramatically on both. 'In Real Time: Chronicle of a Fate Unknown' is a series of articles (published by the City Lights Books blog, citylights.com/blog) in which Stan Cox sets down a month by month account of what could be the most fateful span of time for our country since the 1860s. In this podcast, 'In Real Time', Sarah Crews reads the audio version of each monthly article, starting on Earth Day, April 22, 2022 and going to Earth Day 2024.

